I’m coming out of an ‘optimal’ sleep—my Oura ring score was 94—and so I’m having night visions. Meaning: what does it mean to make the most of “night”?
If the ‘Day’ is full of expectations of us—to be productive, to achieve, to be “on”—the ‘Night’ has so much freedom. Whether you’re going out or staying in, the night feels like time that is just yours, to spend as you want—whether you’re after excitement or rest.
Most nights—after dinner with my family, and after bath and bedtime with Crosby—I work. But, it’s when “work” is at its most rewarding. The studio is pretty much offline (though texts always flow), and I am in my home studio and able to find some real headspace for creative thinking. I can get really “blue sky” about projects, playing around with images and materials I always have laid out on the floor without an interruption, letting good ideas bubble up without forcing them.
And of course evenings contain a lot more extravagance, and more fun. “Endless days” d…